Movie Night
Movie Night… We will be having a movie night on, Sunday March 23rd at 5:00pm. The movie title is “The War Room”. If you haven’t seen it, it is a must see movie. It reflects on the power of prayer in our lives. There is a sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center. Please provide your name and the number of children and their ages that will be attending. There is no admission cost and there will not be a free-will offering. Snacks & drinks will be provided.
Thanksgiving Potluck
On Thursday November 24th at 11:30 am. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish to share. The meat and deserts will be provided.
Women’s Group
Women’s Ministry Meeting Today… Immediately following the Worship Service Sunday March 09, 2025, the Ladies will meet in the lower level, in the Fellowship Hall, to work on prayer shawls. Please join us. Also, our Women’s Ministry will be taking reservations and money for the Easter Flower Memoriam, more information to follow.
Bible Study
Wednesday Bible Study… Wednesday Bible study will be starting up on Wednesday December 4th at 10:am and 6:30pm. During the holidays, it will be on Dec. 4th, 11th, and 18th.
Men’s Group
Men’s Ministry Meeting Today… Also, right after Worship Sunday March 09, 2025 in the family center.